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A Century Is Nothing A Century Is Nothing
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The Language Company The Language Company
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Subject to Change Subject to Change
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Ice girl in Banlung Ice girl in Banlung
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Finch's Cage Finch's Cage
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Curious enrolled in an English class.

It was a Push Them Through English Scool, said Fool.

He was a native barbarian.

I need English vocabulary and the confidence to speak, to use it, said one.

I know my English is not grammatically perfect, but I know my English is fluent, said a student.

You are the teachers, Fool said to a room of passive dull beginners.

Brainwashed by the insert country here education system.

The less I do the fewer mistakes I make, one said. Smiling with cunning social intelligence.

The fewer mistakes I make, said another with cunning social intelligence, the less I am criticized.

You got that BS write.

Light my fire, said one.

Feed me, said another. I am not a participant. I am a willing victim.

Life is sacrifice. I sacrificed my life.

I know what you mean, said another SAD student.

See with soft eyes.

Don't think, LOOK.

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