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In Amnesia catatonic paranoid citizens in addiction recovery programs swallowed bitter pills after a towering surprise attack. The acrid after taste did not go down well.

Heroes were showered with coins, paper currencies, dinner invitations and redeemable discount coupons. Sale of homes, vehicles, firearms, flags and genetically altered seeds increased as people contemplated sitting it out or escaping to jungles or caves.

Inside Rocky Mountain NORAD caves with buildings on huge gigantic springs to withstand historical frequency shifts, evacuation plans for major international cities were distributed to those with a need to know security clearance excluding 99.99% of Earth’s population.

Water, air and soil samples were collected and sent to labs by civilian teams disguised as recycling experts. The last thing they needed was public panic and violent social chaos.

“Fallout,” yelled an official. Citizens streamed out of Habitats For Humanity.

Addicts craving tranquilizers howled at a crescent moon down at the crossroads with rabid dogs.

Millions looted thrift shops singing, “Goodwill to men and peace on earth.”

Death masks sold out.

Humans addicted to chaos and entropy wore Hope clothing manufactured in Saipan sweatshops by chained emaciated emancipated Chinese slaves.

Worn torn Hope craved stronger innocent thread.

Robot authoritarian politicians suggested tighter immigration controls, concentration summer camps for kids, miles of walls, forced female sterilization, social network surveillance systems and retina eye scans of every human on Earth. It was approved and enforced with compliance by world governments to maintain Control of the sheep.

Someone called the exterminator to clean up the mess.


Adventure, Risk, Transformation - A Memoir



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