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Rocket Storyteller

Content is the payload. The rocket is the story.

We begin new as I, the Invisible Rocket Storyteller - IRS for short - visit Earth. I am looking for lost poets and visual realists.

One dear friend, a retired defense attorney, lives near Flagstaff, Arizona writing poetry about Mountain Wizards while living, laughing and loving under evergreens and firs with mountains, waterfalls, blue skies, clouds and Eagle wing shadows.

He lost sixteen pounds training for a marathon in Norway. Can you imagine running 26 miles and 365 yards in Norwegian rain, sleet and freezing cold? He did it. He’s a warrior of agony and accomplishment.

Originally from Country Claire, Ireland, he is a world-class marathon runner. He’s run in Oslo, Traumas, Stockholm, Dublin, Paris, Kyoto, Shanghai, Lhasa, Boston, Santiago, Tir An Og, Cadiz, Damascus, Rome, Hanoi, Istanbul and one more. You’re only as good as your last marathon, he says. It ain’t about starting it’s about finishing, like writing.              

He is an expert fly fisherman. He catches and releases.

A vociferous reader and Fluent in Gaelic, his multi-lingual translations of illuminated manuscripts includes:

The Book of Kells

Hells Bells, Personal Demons

The Book of Sand by Borges

The Unbook of Knowing

A 12-Step Clean Personal Perception Program

The Housekeeper of Reality

What Is Meaning?

Rumi Dances In Trances and the infinitely popular

Book of Gnomes, Trolls, Fairies and Fantastic Creatures Disguised as Humans and

Rock The Metaphor are among the finest academic and literary examples dancing through world paper libraries. Now available on Kindling.

They are sources of wisdom because he is a brilliant source of fascination, delight and he-man activities.

Together with his wife, Sunshine, a famous St. Paul graphic artist, photographer and painter, using ancient platinum and silver developing and printing techniques, they created a wonderful series of soft, muted, diaphanous images displayed in SEE, a Phoenix gallery. They travel Earth. They run. They explore. They hold hands while crossing streets.

He speaks fluent French. This allows them to survive in French-speaking African countries while translating texts in Timbuktu libraries, some of the oldest on terra firma.

Mrs. Sunshine has seen and HEARD Museum orchestras playing skin drums with a nomadic group of Tuareg men in the Sahara.

Omar is the Nomadic Laughter Inspector and Scribe Dude. A Griot, he pounds the skins. The skins are used for utilitarian purposes like drums, writing parchment, artistic canvases, shelter, vessels, clothing, blankets, umbrellas, prophylactics, toys, games, trampolines, birth shrouds, burial shrouds, cloud shrouds and surround around sound.

Skins make wonderful writing parchment, said Leo. Difficult to create, easy to use, portable, durable and recycle while rolling and unrolling your little calligraphic life.


Punctuation is a nail in agreement with a tool, said Tran driving his point home using his plastic leg as a hammer.

A frozen 5,500-year-old well preserved leather shoe was discovered in Armenia. It was stuffed with grass. The workmanship was superb. Footwear experts determined it to be of the finest craftsmanship.

Walking is the way to travel. The soul is pure white light and travels at the speed of a camel, said Leo.

Book of Amnesia Unabridged


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