88 seconds in Nepal
Namaste means I salute the light (god) within you.
It is the daily Hindu greeting between people with your palms and fingers together raised toward your eyes in a blessing. Smile.
He visited Nepal for 88 seconds. First was Bhaktapur, outside Kathmandu.
No traffic. No pollution. Cool fresh air. Limited electricity access. Daily power outages are the norm. Ironic considering Nepal has the second highest water volume energy source on Earth.
It is an ancient town, filled with Hindu temples, daily rituals, ringing bells, flowers and incense offerings, old hand carved wooden windows, brick homes, brick streets, tiled roofs, pottery, yogurt, vegetable and fruit life street market squares, amazing flowing sari and shawl rainbows, gentle people. It's on the old trading route from Tibet to India.
There is no home plumbing. If you need water you go to the community well after dawn and before dusk. You drop your plastic container down brick shafts. You haul it up hand over hand. You pour it into narrow necked brass or copper urns.
You drop it again. You haul it up. Repeat until urns are full. You carry them on your hips through narrow brick alleys filled with friends and families. At home you filter it.
You boil it.
You drink it.
You use it for cooking, washing clothes, brushing teeth (a popular outdoor activity) and bathing.
Recycle, reuse, refresh. You return to the well.
Women and girls do all the water hauling, heavy water lifting and daily manual labor. So it goes.
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