
In late 2011 in Vientiane, Laos he finished another revision of A Century is Nothing.
He let it rest. He's tired of it. He's been consistent with it every morning and afternoon.
Doing the work. Polishing is the party.
He feels good about the process.
Stories inside stories.
A work of art is never finished. It is abandoned.
The 2nd edition was published December 2012.
After spraying oil on sprocket and chain he rode Mystery the mountain bike.
He discovered a woman with her plastic box sitting in the shade doing nails on a quiet side street.
He gestured scraping callused souls. She smiled and finished another woman.
He soaked feet and hands in water. She scrubbed off dead skin.
It reminded him of murdering his manuscript darlings. She trimmed cuticles and skin with a small silver tool. She wrote him into her story and he wrote her into his. They're are mutually inconclusive.
Love is unconditional.
He is open minded, patient, positive, flexible, and friendly.
She is intuitive and creative with empathy, trust, respect and gratitude.
He paid. They smiled.
He rode away protected by a white butterfly ringing a bell.
Present and empty.