Timothy M. Leonard's books on Goodreads
A Century Is Nothing A Century Is Nothing
ratings: 4 (avg rating 4.50)

The Language Company The Language Company
ratings: 2 (avg rating 5.00)

Subject to Change Subject to Change
ratings: 2 (avg rating 4.50)

Ice girl in Banlung Ice girl in Banlung
ratings: 2 (avg rating 4.50)

Finch's Cage Finch's Cage
ratings: 2 (avg rating 3.50)

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It appears the undersea cables off Tawian have been repaired meaning images to the Jan U Wary gallery are uploaded with speed and precision. The test will come with a podcast.

Delightful warm weather these days means enjoying a full body massage in town followed by dumplings with peanut sauce and then a one-hour foot massage. Considering all the tennis, biking, walking and daily perambulations, the soles relish deep tissue work. Then you float like a feather.

Such is the pampered relaxed way.

Speaking of which, 15,000 students leave today to receive pampering at home. The Chinese Spring Festival is Feb 18-21. Spring term begins Feb 28th. Dutiful students will drag suitcases filled with memories to the plethora of mini-vans and buses on the first leg of adventures. Home to family love, their own beds, delicious food and friends.

Seniors with degrees in International Trade, Economics and Business will attend crowded competitive job fairs in Xiamen or explore Shanghai employment opportunities. June is a fast approaching reality for them.

Chinese teachers also head home, many facing long bus or train trips. "Foreign language experts" have departed for Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singsomemore and Europe to enjoy their life.


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Ah ha, how the word "truth" rings a bell of beings; all faceless limbs rotating toward a sun burning skin and searing eyeballs, brain sensor stimuli of pain delirium. He throws strait jackets off, refuses medication and once again for who knows how long song takes to traveling by thumb. Standing down at the crossroad words sifting through puzzles. Delightful.

We dance high in the air as a signal to others that we surrender to their whims, their passion, their choice of going on or stopping long enough for us to grab on as merry-go-round horses rear and stampeded.

We eat their dust. They go spinning past, cars, trucks, RV motor homes, living rooms on wheels. Wheel and deal. Some pass by, some stop, Stories by traveling salesmen looking for a sale. Odometer’s turning four corners leaning into Navajo and Hopi mesas, broken sunsets, shattered dreams, glorious sunrises bypass soft shoulders, yield, rest area ahead.

“What do you have to say for yourself?”
“Easy come and easy go.”
“Was it always this easy for you, just to get up, just to go, just to be free as a bird?”

“Yes and no. I escaped abuse and tyranny. Their sadness, loss and abject suffering. I needed to get out. The highway waited. A long black road. The unknowing. The element of movement. Blank pages waiting for words. I healed through movement. She is my mistress. There is no cure for wandering.”

“Are you still sick?”
“Look hard. What do you see. What do you want to see.”
“Can you feel your eyeballs exploding from the heat?”

“I am afraid to tell you what you are afraid to hear.”

Always in a programmed circle, merry go round horses dance on shining steel shafts, oiled and greased and well lubricated by painful pleasurable sexual understanding in wide open countries without boundaries, fences, gates, impediments or ticket takers. Risk takers survived.




Chapter 30


Drifting is a migration from a linear world that is full of neat processes and models to the road where everything happens at once. Any glue for general directions is gone.

The eco-tone is life material for metaphors where two adjacent ecosystems overlap in shadow, transparency, reflection, refraction, dappling, stippling, shimmering, moire, netting, layering and superimposition.

A place without a filter to distort knowledge and perception.

A ride, when it’s absolutely necessary. Driving along you engage each other with stories from the past and then you both realize suddenly how common it all is. How your lives are mingling, connected for the briefest time, short and long and quick and deadly evaporating exchanges.

It was one early fall in a cow town 60 miles north of Denver. He stood on the residential street thumbing a ride. Homer, an old crusty ranching farmer stopped his battered blue pickup and he got in. We traveled less than a mile, a few short city blocks. He said two things.

“If a person speaks the truth they don’t have to remember what they said,” and, “If you ever need a helping hand look at the end of your wrist.”

He thanked him for the ride and words of wisdom at an intersection full of salvation thrift stores and mini-marts, got out and started walking to get a paper and check out ads. Found a place in the basement of the King’s house a couple blocks from campus.

This university was the place where younger students called him a “Baby Killer” when they found out he was a veteran. Vietnam, 1969. He had no explanation, no excuse, no answers. He was invisible, he incorporated passive-aggressive silence. He became anonymous, a figment of their imagination.

He learned how to stay away from them, how to practice covert skills of black watch, night patrols, stealth, disguise, cunning, lock and load and put it on fully automatic. Nothing but the blues baby. Write it down, get it out, smile, move on.

His undeclared major was Survival 101. Before you learn how to live you need to learn how to die.




Shanghai dreams


Singing and dancing in sub-tropical rain forests washing "Blood Diamonds."

Billboards shouted, “Making money in China is Glorious!”

She carefully folded hard earned hard currency into her black purse after a long hot shower and took the elevator down. Gliding through a revolving glass and brass door, she passed a deserted dark Japanese restaurant and negotiated gray stained industrial steps to Nanjing Xi Lu.

Serious adults in blue industrial clothing practiced Tai Chi with controlled balanced concentration. Every methodical movement grasped meaning. Dawn's collective breath formed a mist crashing around her well worn heels as she skipped over cracked city stones through their shadows.

A neighbor cried to a neighbor demanding something at high decibels. Hope? Love? Rice?

A motorcycle roared past followed by a bike bell ringing a sharp corner warning. Two old women dressed in thick clothing discussed the price of vegetables, winter days and the fate of their children.

Their words adjusted to musical volumes and surreptitious encounters in careful dark corners where hungry, sexually repressed couples groped for meaning.


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Now it happened that


Where art thou O podcast? Dancing inside electron files? Pulling weeds in the garden of secrets? Broken underwater internet communication cables off the coast of Taiwan will be repaired through Jan U Wary. Dive! Dive!

Promiscuity feather. As Cage discovered; classical Chinese language can be classified into "full words" and "empty words." Full words are specific, loose with referential meaning. Nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are "full." Full words cannot always be determined.

Conjunctions articles and pronouns are "empty." They refer to other terms, "a, at, it."

Mesostic sounds are "brushed." Method, structure, intention, discipline, notation, interpenetration, indeterminacy, imitation, devotion, circumstances, variable structure, non-understanding, contingency, inconsistency, performance, 1 through 6.

800 pieces of space debris dust is created after a Chinese rocket blasted a 500-mile high weather satellite. How will humans weather this? Will global warming rain feather weather shards for 17 years? Alarm bells ring, rang, rung in chasms, the abyss.


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