Timothy M. Leonard's books on Goodreads
A Century Is Nothing A Century Is Nothing
ratings: 4 (avg rating 4.50)

The Language Company The Language Company
ratings: 2 (avg rating 5.00)

Subject to Change Subject to Change
ratings: 2 (avg rating 4.50)

Ice girl in Banlung Ice girl in Banlung
ratings: 2 (avg rating 4.50)

Finch's Cage Finch's Cage
ratings: 2 (avg rating 3.50)

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Buson Haiku

On the great bell

Stops a butterfly

And sleeps.



Other, Shadow & Weaver

I am afraid, said the Swiss girl, of becoming the Stranger, the Other.

The Other. I am Other said Shadow. Outsider.

I'm afraid of always being the Other, she said.

Why? said Shadow.

It's fear I suppose, it's difficult to articulate. It's a sense of feeling apart, separate from people.

I know it, Shadow said, I'm like that. I live on the edge. I engage. I am vulnerable, open, honest maintaining a sense of detachment.

How is it this sense of outside? she said.

It's objective, he said.

Shadow felt her vision escape toward the weaver at her loom creating her meditation.

I am the shuttle sliding across threads, Weaver said. I am smooth aged wood holding two bobbins. One is golden silk thread, the other purple.

As I slide threads bobbins spin at the speed of light releasing, ah all the releasing, letting go of myself trailing into and between thin black origins - the essence where I rest.

Weaver cautions Shadow with her fingers - purple and golden desires lie tight. She pulls her emptiness toward me, hands and feet.

I feel connected, said Weaver.

I am bound to Others before me.

I wait for Others to join me.

I am part of the whole. Part of the grand design inside her dream.

I pass through. I am not dreaming. I am here and now.


Basho Haiku

That soon they will die

Is unknown

To the chirping cicadas.




Ink Dances

Rain forest song
Ink dances
What you don't see is fascinating

Rivers of children memorize texts
Listening/speaking predates writing/reading

I can do it. Enthusiastic. Feeling sound pre-language
Drum heart beat
Dancing Lao doctor gestures sky arms feeling free
Young pregnant sick H'mong wife
Husband eats soup
We pay pay pay
Me only one


The Language Company

The Language Company on sale promotion April 10-17 with Kindle Direct Press (KDP). Cool.

Learn. Play. Share. 

Reading is power.


See with soft eyes

No mistakes in life art - happy accidents
Ink dances

Reveals point line shadow
Watercolor pencils
Creativity has no rules
Take a line for a walk

Create like a god, order like a king, work like a slave

Work like you don't need the money
Love like your heart's never been broken
Dance like nobody's looking

I am a short story
You are a novel