Gifted Kids

Here's an excerpt from a scene in a literary masterpiece and a link to Metagifted courtesy of Wendy Chapman. Go Indigo!
“Do you you see a connection?”
A child with dyslexia spoke. “It’s tough. I’m trying to learn 1,100 ways letters are used to symbolize the 40 sounds in the spoken English language.”
“You mean to say,” wondered a child, “it’s difficult for a learning reader to connect verbal sounds with the letters or symbols that spell that sound?”
“Absolutely. Maybe that explains why there are 10 million children in this country with severe reading problems.”
Another child added, “show us where the sound of speech has no alphabet.”
“Good on ya! Wasn’t it William - that kid from Kansas who lived in the Burroughs - who said language is a virus? Where is he?”
“They took him away for treatment,” said a tyrant. “Some guy in a lab coat said he was hallucinating.”
“Probably naked while eating his lunch. Or, eating his naked lunch.”
“You mean he was dreaming with his eyes open, again?”
“You got it backwards. He was fast asleep with his eyes open and he woke up by closing his eyes.”
“Figures,” said a kid, releasing cost benefit analysis results scribbled on a medical insurance form with a co-pay deductible.
“Some people never learn. They get older sooner and smarter later.”