escape the tyranny of life
I am alone in my silent prison. It is a blessing and a curse. It confines me and it liberates me.
Silence is everything. I am one with everything. A singularity.
All visual colors, sensations, perceptions, forms, symbols, imagination and energies of transient tactile existence permeate my being.
Everything floats away. Mu. Nothing. Maya. Illusion. Suffering is an illusion. I don’t understand suffering. Does suffering mean experiencing taste, sound, temperature, and texture feeling regret, loss and a death of the spirit? I witness sad lost blank faces. People wear sadness like discarded rags. I see mouths moving.
I never hear laughter as I pass through life with my Dream Sweeper Machine.
What does laughter sound like?
What color is sound?
This is my Beauty. Fear and trust dance in stillness. I meditate. Calm. Centered.
I am a stone cold Apsara silent dancer dancing with my revolutionary evolutionary soul.
I feel like screaming.
The dancing hall inside the Preah Khan temple at Angkor Wat is where dancers don’t smile. They dance. They are slave dancers. They dance for the king. The god-king. He resurrected his desire and fury creating new customs and decrees for dancers. They dance for the mighty and powerful. They dance Khmer stories about war, family, harvests, seasons, sun and moon.
They are submissive dances of life/death. They dance to celebrate life. A celebration of tranquility is their eternal dance. They dance or die. They wear tinkling bands of gold around wrists and ankles. Diamond diademed crowns and shimmering silk clothing. They do not smile. Their faces are frozen in the trance of dance.
I dance to escape the tyranny of life. I use my dance to express life. I’ve danced all my short, sweet existence.
The Hall of Dancers has laterite columns and portals with broken jumbled green mossy stones. Stones whisper dance. Thick gnarled silk-cotton tree roots below the surface of appearances in deep burial crypts crawl toward dancers. They dance through exposed roots, past Shiva and Vishnu, the preserver and destroyer of life.
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