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A river sang

Please don't push me
You can't push me

You can't step in me twice
You can try
Everyone fails

I am from the source
Consider my source

When you drink me

Tibetan clouds obscure granite peaks
Climb high

Humans carry a short life on their back
Women wear love's labor
Feeling a child's warmth behind them

Heartbeats mingle

Possibilities and potentials

Dreaming their long walk through jungles forests along a river

Be a river
Below the surface of appearances

Crescent yellow moon
Reflects hello dream

Dance on my surface
I am a mirror

Beauty before me
Beauty behind me
Beauty to my left
Beauty to my right
Beauty below me
Beauty above me

I am wide deep
I flow forever
No beginning no end

Are your needs being met
Mountain asked River

In the stream of life

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