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Subject to Change Subject to Change
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Ice girl in Banlung Ice girl in Banlung
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Finch's Cage Finch's Cage
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Life is a Beach

Overnight sleeper bus to Sin Oak Ville
The new coastal Chinatown casino royal
All bets are off

 Moto to Otres Beach
Sand sunrise defending quiet
Footprints gentle water waves beat shore

Spit in the ocean
Zen sitting meditation visions H2O
Bliss day sun water

European sun walkers white tan ageless retirees
Sound sand in water
Edges of the day from gentle morning through

Heat into restless sunset - meditation focus
Ebb and flow
Strangers in paradise...
Blue skies night 1/4 star clear

Fernando Pessoa

Waves of love
Hang by a thread
Meditate on the truth of emptiness
Embrace beauty and tranquility


Grow Your Soul - Prose and Poems from Laos & Cambodia

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