Dance Wing

Butterfly shadows dance in your face
Street theater drama
Feed Me
said the capable girl of 7 in her blue skirt school uniform
to a parent or teacher telling her what to think
sitting on a cement Vietnamese bench
surrounded by green plants and yellow flowers swirling
bakery aromas of baguettes
French dialect dependency waited for her dwindling courage
Draw the future
Poetry sits with sea sky blue
Black swift lets
Dance wing
Bird’s nest soup
Negotiate clouds
Cut up
Less is more
Old man’s face carries future of child innocence
clean pure radiant
Dream Sweeper
Kep ocean songbird waves islands
sky rain sings green blue purple
white yellow gray sheets
clouds dance
Space is geography
Time is history
Bird song sings wings
A dying caged bird sings Goodbye Blue Sky - I never knew you ...
Grow Your Soul
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