
Night waves crash into foam silence
Ebb tide sings invisible musical interlude
How it feels after Kampot cement, cycles, horns,
Symphonies of process down all the days
Winging free swiftlets sky
The sea churned all day
Blue green
Fragments of gray blue clouds cover a thin horizon line
Near horizon it was purple
Silver ran inland to meet green blue floating waves
Energy flows toward white brown sand rolling energy
Created banks of white waves
Whitecaps roll tumble crash curl wearing atoms and molecules
A gentle mixture of force and calm eases into sand land
A band of sunset pink tongued with purple sails west into high cumulus
Beach town quiet
Growing empty at May’s end
Long mass of gray clouds dances on horizon
Light fades as swimmers run jump dive into waves
Beach walkers stare inland
Their eyes are lost if they see sea
It’s too much to comprehend
Too vast
Too immense beautiful and complete
Clouds gather mass
Rain song
Waves curl dance
Empty beach
In dreams begin responsibility – W.B. Yeats
Grow Your Soul - Poems from Laos & Cambodia
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