
Clouds gather mass
Rain song
Waves curl dance
Empty beach
I appear every seventeen years. What am I?
In dreams begin responsibility – W.B. Yeats
Khmer family hauls relatives, pots, pans, kids and laughter
To a never ending beach party
Healthy Fear Doubt & Uncertainty stalks courage
In a random universe
Everyone talks at once
Because they are too poor to pay attention
The loudest one
Is Happy Noise champion
Ladies and gentlemen
Step right
The Greatest Show on Earth!
Buy a ticket
Take the ride
Kid shovels sand
Wave waves farewell to a wave
Lost blind eyed adults
Minus attention span
Discuss whining possibilities
In unforgiving universe
Small skinny children sing
My stomach comes first
Waves of churning
Wisdom seeking wisdom
In a floating world Ukiyo-e
Dreams accept responsibility
You become the thing you fight the most
Your mask eats your face
Grow Your Soul - Prose & Poems from Laos / Cambodia
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