Breathe & Move

I am the rebel angel and my tears the trace of one virtue: patience.
You can beat me my time will come. - Max Jacob
Good writing is about telling the truth.
Write one true sentence.
Write the truest sentence you know.
Find meaning in an experience or feeling.
Perfectionism is a high end version of fear.
Writing needs to breathe and move.
Stay curious & amused by yourself.
North Burma
Ride the rails click clack click clack click clack
Nature visions and bamboo forests
silver rivers feel fresh air hanging out the door of a rock’n roll train
rail alliteration starts at 4 AM
space stars open the sky
A red shaped leaf
Fields of lilacs, purple black and gold, butterflies,
sense of stillness, renewal of free rolling spirit,
yellow bamboo leaves at lower elevations,
then green exploding in high lush gardens with fir, pine, evergreens.
Fields being planted
Women and men and children hoeing, watering, turning soil
Say yes to everything.
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