Bat Shit

Yeah, I know, said a bat in Human Land.
Over centuries my relatives developed a super efficient immune system against any viruses. I mean SUPER efficient. They passed the DNA through generations and like magic here I am.
The sad unpleasant fact is that Wing Free, one of my relatives shit in the forest. Normal shit. Another animal friend named Pangolini, a species with scales like a reptile ate some delicious berries flavored with the shit.
Pangolini will eat anything. The jungle is a vast repository of succulent treats.
The shit had a virus named C-19.
A hunter - like all of us - trapped Pangolini and sold it to Wet Market Woman in Human Land. She killed it, sliced it up and served it a New Year's Eve party attended by thousands of voracious two-legged animals.
Their mantra was "Eat Fast or Starve."
They were happy because 1) it was delicious and 2) they were leaving Human Land for a two-week national holiday.
They didn't wash their hands. Their bland joyful faces were masks.
Millions went to the train station, bus station and airport. Bye-bye Human Land.
They travelled to all parts of a blue spinning rock called Earth. Except cold Antarctia where penguins dance.
They enjoyed their holiday without knowledge or fear. Many became sick and died. Many strangers in remote yet accessible villages, towns, cities, countries and continents got sick and died.
Survivors freaked out. Their lives were turned upside down, inside out and permanently changed.
Forever and a day.
So it goes.
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