Glock's Perfection

Jack walked up to Sister's II - All Day Breakfast & Bakery in Kampot, Cambodia, a sleepy old French port town.
American, slim, late 50's, chiseled face, crooked front teeth, in a Marine style camouflage cap with fake gold insignia, stained camouflage pants, dusty rubber and canvas military boots and a worn black t-shirt with a picture of a Glock automatic and ammo clip featuring a stenciled bullseye target and words, Glock.Perfection.
He stood in front of a display case. Baked goodies. Cinnamon rolls, brownies, banana cake, carrot cake, biscotti, chocolate fudge pie, chocolate chip cookies and apple pie.
One sister came out.
"Good morning how are you,"
Jack mumbled, "Does the apple pie have raisins in it?"
"No," she said.
"Let me have one slice."
"For here or take away?"
"Take away."
She put the pie on the glass counter, sliced a piece and put it in a styrofoam box. She slid the box into a plastic bag. She offered it to him.
He showed her a $10 bill.
"Oh, don't you have small money?" she said.
"That's a you problem, not a my problem."
She left to find change.
Jack turned to a stranger throwing bread crumbs to sparrows, "You'd think by now she'd have a float in the morning."
"Life gives you the test first and the lessons later," said the stranger.
"Yeah," Jack said, "they need more education and experience."
Two sparrows pecked at curbside crumbs.
The sister returned, handed him change and said, "I hope you enjoy the pie. It's fresh this morning."
An experienced Vietnamese woman collecting plastic and cardboard wearing a bamboo conical hat protecting her from intense sun pushed her daily savage salvage wagon past Sister's.
Jack took the bag, curled a lip in gratitude and walked in a different direction.
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