Timothy M. Leonard's books on Goodreads
A Century Is Nothing A Century Is Nothing
ratings: 4 (avg rating 4.50)

The Language Company The Language Company
ratings: 2 (avg rating 5.00)

Subject to Change Subject to Change
ratings: 2 (avg rating 4.50)

Ice girl in Banlung Ice girl in Banlung
ratings: 2 (avg rating 4.50)

Finch's Cage Finch's Cage
ratings: 2 (avg rating 3.50)

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Hanoi Poem

Humans need less suffering and more love.

Little Man's voice releases streams of anger, bitterness and frustration allowing him to relax, expend and expand the sound. 

He is startled to hear the sound of his own particular voice ricochet off substandard cold molten gray interior monologue of Hanoi cement or is Ha Noise the block wall?

His life is one long cold cement wall. Echoes dance through his brain like little sugarplum fairies.
He knows the echo because he made the WALLS.

He stacked red crumbling bricks, mixed the fine sand gemstones and quick dry cement.

He slathered it over broken red bricks with coherent circular logic fulfilling an abstract desire creating a work of realist art

lasting forever which is how he remembered it the day he trow welled the paste.

His voice manifestation expresses human primitive guttural sounds in a tight enclosed space near his gigantic liquid plasma television.

It is permanently implanted on a blank wall blaring news propaganda and perpetual adolescent dancing drama shows about life next door where the family sits on cold red floral tiled floors

hunched over with spinal deficiencies slurping from cracked rose bowls shoveling steaming rice and green stringy vegetables into lost

desperate mouths yelling over each other in tonal decibels competing with their gigantic plasma television featuring dancing bears and uniformed military pioneer patriots devouring acres of rubber plantations,

palm trees, teak forests, beach front property and farmland with a double bladed axe singing in a high Greek-like chorus their national anthem about land, sea, air, water and big profit with piano concertos.

Everyone’s being played.



In the meadow Lao men
Slaughter a cow

Apocalypse Now
Tribal feast
Beast of burden
A sledgehammer on skull
Gut it clean simple
Light streaks sky with low murmurs
No songs or musical instruments
Men hack skin tendons muscles
Women stoke fires
Tribes gather for the feast

Shadow of white butterfly
Voices ebb and flow
Cuticles trimmed
Floating world’s river
Mercenary butterfly shadows
River language

Grow Your Soul



once upon a time in a place
with dark mysterious scared eyes

sharp knives
and no money
poor lost blind people
from a poor lost blind village
came to a poor lost blind town
carrying their curiosity 
empty stomachs
empty pockets
and cheerful childlike stolidity 

inside teeming markets 
spilling vegetables, clothing, steaming food
invisible naked predatory children circle, hover near smells

watching eaters eat
the quick and dead

blind people laugh i live in the dark 

surrounded by light

hearing gold workers hammer
ruby, diamond, sapphire, emerald jewels

scattering gem sound seeds




massage girls
wait with white sheets on brown tables
under red umbrellas
resting on golden sand

cuticle management women
tread sand looking for needy nails

lost fat Russians slather on UV 30+
staring inland at backpackers

young eyes down on phone fingers
TEXT ME lonely baby of my heart and soul

mind rapture

a lone swimmer backstrokes
in calm blue green water

a small boat engine hums
toward a green forested is-land

floating away
on the surface of reality

in a dream bubble
laughing in the divine comedy



A river sang

Please don't push me
You can't push me

You can't step in me twice
You can try
Everyone fails

I am from the source
Consider my source

When you drink me

Tibetan clouds obscure granite peaks
Climb high

Humans carry a short life on their back
Women wear love's labor
Feeling a child's warmth behind them

Heartbeats mingle

Possibilities and potentials

Dreaming their long walk through jungles forests along a river

Be a river
Below the surface of appearances

Crescent yellow moon
Reflects hello dream

Dance on my surface
I am a mirror

Beauty before me
Beauty behind me
Beauty to my left
Beauty to my right
Beauty below me
Beauty above me

I am wide deep
I flow forever
No beginning no end

Are your needs being met
Mountain asked River

In the stream of life