BIG Time
One curious phenomena here in the land of Turnkey is BIG Time. It is predominant, predictive and highly fashionable. BIG Time is displayed in a wide variety of large grandiose opulent design styles, colors and assorted analog displays. You can't miss the huge pieces of Time displayed on wrists with panache and glamour.
Frequent sightings include super sized chromatic sundial devices featuring a weight lifter because, for the majority of wage slaves, Time is a heavy burden.
Their second hand laconically sweeps piles of debris stranded on corners past extremely bored women studying their undulating reflection between numerals 12 and 6.
A wild rabbit dragging a pocket Watch Out! ran down Dream Time Street yelling, "I'm late, I'm late for a very important date, no Time to say hello, goodbye, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!"
The rabbit passed Mr. Historian holding out his hat.
"What are you doing?" said Mr. Rabbit.
"I am begging people to give me their wasted hours."