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A Century Is Nothing A Century Is Nothing
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The Language Company The Language Company
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Subject to Change Subject to Change
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Ice girl in Banlung Ice girl in Banlung
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Finch's Cage Finch's Cage
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“Anybody have any spare change?” queried a waif with panhandling dreams.

“Hmm, well, there’s a faint star at a conjunction of the head and heart life line. Does that mean anything?” said a kid fingering palms approaching Easter Is-land.

“Depends,” a child orator ranted, standing on a dove shaped soap box. “Do you mean faint as in non-distinguishable or feint as to throw one off the tacit socially agreed upon path implied by pretending to understand anything at all while processing information with a deft movement?”

“Yes,” a child philosophized with the wit of Camus. “It’s a sublime paradox, this sleight-of-hand absurdity theater. We have aspects of knowing. Freedom is terror. It’s not so much that there is something strange about time. The thing that’s strange is what’s going on inside time. We will understand how simple the universe is when we recognize how strange it is.”

“You’re just saying that,” said a young voice.
“All we know is what we think we know.”

“Sounds like __________ speaking of strange,” one resident commented to no one in particular.

“Please pass the Democracy.”
“No lie flutterbye,” sighed a Monarch’s wings in Greek orastory.

“What’s that have to do with the conservation of angular momentum?” queried a child rotating tires doing wheel reel feel alignments for their friends.

“Do I love you because you are beautiful?” pondered Rose. “Or are you beautiful because I love you?”
“Both,” sang the chorus.

“Time on a mountain top runs faster than time at sea level because gravity is stronger at sea level and gravity slows time down,” a scientific kid postulated, devouring Everest.

“You get what you pay for,” said a kid spreading their map out over 300 count linen.
“The map is not the territory,” observed a shrink-wrapped child reading The Dictionary of Symbols. They shared a story about dance.

“Dance is about process, becoming, the passage of time. Shiva symbolizes the union of space and time and also indicates creation. This is why dance is one of the most ancient forms of magic. People wear masks to hide their transformation, seeking to change their dancer into a god or demon. Dance is the incarnation of eternal energy.”

“Well, all right then!” said a kid, dancing in their death mask. “Let’s trip the light fantastic.”

A couple of engaged children took turns speaking play lines.

“I thought you’d never get here.”
“Sorry, I was delayed.”
“Obviously. Are you staying?”
“What do you think?”
“I don’t know, you’re such a mystery child to me.”
“You talk too much.”


Autumn poolballswdragonfly.jpeg

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