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A Century Is Nothing A Century Is Nothing
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The Language Company The Language Company
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Subject to Change Subject to Change
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Ice girl in Banlung Ice girl in Banlung
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Finch's Cage Finch's Cage
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« Middle Kingdom 10 | Main

1 Jan 06


We trust 2006 is filled with abundant peace and joy for you.

Many thanks to all the visitors, subscribers and Eclectic Audio listeners. It's always a pleasure to bring you interesting content, be it in print, images or oral transmissions. Feel free to share with your friends through links or word of mouth.

All of the December blogs have been archived. We've cleaned up the image gallery and a January link features our latest work.

It was a very rewarding time with the freshman this fall. They gave us holiday cards saying, "thanks for making us happy." They also expressed their feeling of having gained more confidence to speak English. Classes flowed with the intention of fun, authenticity, respect, and empathy.

The end of the term at the university approaches and students will head home to be with their families for Chinese New Year on the 29th. The year of the dog. Teachers take advantage of the opportunity to travel - in and out of China; Malaysia, Thailand and points unknown.

We considered Hanoi and Hainan island and decided to hang out in Fujian. Plenty to explore here. Inner and outer landscapes. The mountain bike will get an overhaul, manuscripts edited with the magic red pen, podcasts to be recorded, more images and new books.

"Art of Knives," in podcast #1 has been downloaded 150+ times from Middle Kingdom #6 featuring the painting meditation has received good response. It's a joy putting it out there. Content is King.

Thanks for stopping by along your way. Feel free to drop a line with feedback.

Be well and travel safe.

monkey bt legs.jpg

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