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A Century Is Nothing A Century Is Nothing
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The Language Company The Language Company
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Subject to Change Subject to Change
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Ice girl in Banlung Ice girl in Banlung
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Finch's Cage Finch's Cage
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Debate was minimized in their official calibrations. Polls suggested approval. It was a Plutocracy.

The people with the most money had the biggest free speech.

This truth did not go down well when it hit the airwaves and the media liked it like that. They programmed happy Idiot Idol endings. Tax dollars were allocated for causes. Full employment became the norm. Factories hired Norm to build washing machines with spin cycles for 24-hour entertainment circus channels.

Subvert the Constitution, lie and spin.

"Keep them fat, dumb and happily complacent," was media's mantra.

Someone dreamed as rally parades and bands marched through the land. They started near one ocean working, playing, and sweating marching smartly pounding war drums, eating, sleeping, procreating children, raising them, marrying them off, burying their parents dreaming their desire and suffering. Rising before dawn they soldiered onward like Christian zealots through all their days until they reached the distant ocean.

Then, with wild abandon, they rushed into the shining sea of pain and pleasure, where they were baptized in the name of the father, son, holy ghost, wandering ghosts, itinerant exiles, refugees, garbage collectors, children of all nationalities, races, religions, creeds, indigenous marginalized people. And they gave thanks.

“Praise the Lord,” a woman preached, stripping off her clothes in cold ocean tides.

A man from Nebraska seeing a naked woman in the ocean for the first time yelled, “This takes the cake” blowing out the celebration candles. “Mission accomplished!”

They did not have naked women or oceans in the corn husker state buster. They had combines and fields of amber waves of multigrain high in fiber, not blue wet waves. Somebody was all wet and he loved it.

“My oh my,” said a woman rising from the confines of her rehabilitation chair. She crawled through falling sand inside an hourglass.

“Let me take you down, ‘cause I’m going to Strawberry...”

Children watched everything from a Council Bluff where Native American tribes of their nation gathered for a Ghost Dance ceremony. They shared a spirit vision with a Northwest tribe called the Kalapuya.



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