Timothy M. Leonard's books on Goodreads
A Century Is Nothing A Century Is Nothing
ratings: 4 (avg rating 4.50)

The Language Company The Language Company
ratings: 2 (avg rating 5.00)

Subject to Change Subject to Change
ratings: 2 (avg rating 4.50)

Ice girl in Banlung Ice girl in Banlung
ratings: 2 (avg rating 4.50)

Finch's Cage Finch's Cage
ratings: 2 (avg rating 3.50)

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yan gone fairy tale

sharing apple core illusions of value creation
OZ king bankers in yangon - profit before people
minus integrity and ethics
humor laughed as
little ceo E
a small letter in a big alphabet
lived all daze long
in his fake castle
planning planning planning

welcome to my air-conditioned nightmare
people say nothing exists
i do nothing all day long

too busy to pay attention
inconvenient details
he hired hospitality

she evaluated his
broken garbage system
this stinks
E rearranged deck chairs
on his educational Titantic
a ship of fools

theoretical clear learning objectives
SMART goals
dumbed everyone down
everyone drowned
a good fool is hard to find
said Crow with no mouth
winging free


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