This is from a blog post by Kathy Sierra with her link below. It's an excellent site.
"If you knock out exuberance, you knock out curiosity, and curiosity is the single most important attribute in a world that requires continuous learning and unlearning just to keep up. If we knock out their exuberance, we've also killed their desire to learn, grow, adapt, innovate, and care. So why do we do
Why Robots Are the Best Employees
1) They don't challenge the status quo
2) They don't ask those "uncomfortable" questions
3) They're 100% obedient
4) They don't need "personal" days.
5)... because they don't have a personal life
6) They never make the boss look bad (e.g. stupid, incompetent, clueless, etc.)
7) They dress and talk the way you want them to
8) They have no strongly-held opinions
9) They have no passion, so they have nothing to "fight" for
10) They are always willing to do whatever it takes (insane hours, etc.)
11) They are the ultimate team players
12) They don't complain when you micromanage (tip: micromanaging is in fact one of the best ways to create a robot)
13) They don't care what their workspace is like, and don't complain if they don't have the equipment they need
14) They'll never threaten your job
15) They make perfect scapegoats
16) They get on well with zombies
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