Timothy M. Leonard's books on Goodreads
A Century Is Nothing A Century Is Nothing
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The Language Company The Language Company
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Subject to Change Subject to Change
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Ice girl in Banlung Ice girl in Banlung
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Finch's Cage Finch's Cage
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Entries in creativity (34)


Creative People

I'm one of those people who’s learned through living that there is nothing and nobody in this life to cling to. An open hand holds everything.

Grasping is suffering.

I am a metaphor looking for a meaning. There are no metaphors, only observations.

I acknowledged kairos - the shuttle passes through openings in warp and weft threads, making things happen, creating new forms, new fabrics inside my word loom. The shuttle voice allowed me to recover, preserve and interpret tales.

I feel free to move away from safe familiar places and keep moving forward to new unexplored areas of life. Drifting some said. If I had one red cent for every time someone asked me when I’d settle down I could afford a world hypothesis. Settling down was not an option.

I am a compass without a needle.

Yes. I could bid on blessings. I’d sacrifice pre-linguistic symbols and create silent metaphorical abstractions. My linguistic skills would evolve into love into discursive logic.

26,000 year-old Paleolithic iron and copper paintings create a secret symphony of ancient stories in a Spanish cave.

No lengthy drawn out off-the-wall abstract explains my small empty self to anybody anything by virtue off who I was, am, and will be.

Life is a palimpsest. A game of experiences we get to play.


10 things

Highly intuitive people do differently.

  1. they listen to that inner voice: instinct - intuition - reasoning
  2. they take time for solitude
  3. they create
  4. they practice mindfulness - paying attention to one's current experience in a non-judgemental way
  5. they observe everything
  6. they listen to their bodies
  7. they connect deeply with others - empathetic accuracy
  8. they pay attention to their dreams
  9. they enjoy plenty of down time
  10. they mindfully let go of negative emotions 

 Knowing without knowing.


yellow butterfly academy

tell me about my Lao motorcycle culture

125cc engines growling past orange monks

barefoot in their silence

give us the raw emotional direct experience

among a tribe of kids, their play is work.

they laughed and played all day long

poor ones collected cardboard and plastic bottle

along a dirt road.

kids with money went to school

students are engaged in self-study, pair work, and group work. They accept responsibility and develop teamwork and sharing skills. They draw. They listen to music.

some accept the reality they are responsible for their learning. some learn to take risks.

help students develop courage.

some try. some can’t, won’t, don’t.

classes are mixed abilities and ages. strong student teachers help the weak.

attendance is sporadic because of school, family responsibilities and motivation.

focus on speaking and writing. reading comprehension.

listening retention skills. get the MAIN POINT.

1. Smile, engage, and have fun.

See #1.

Imagination is more important than knowledge - Einstein.

Practice patience like water



no feeding please

Give this to the new volunteer teachers.

LBF is a Foundation. It is not a school.

It is an English Development Center.

It offers H'mong students the opportunity to improve their English communication skills.

The majority of schools in Asia are exam-based. Teachers lecture on grammar and vocabulary. Students learn by rote. Their objective is to pass exams. Teachers push them through.

Teacher talking time is 80-20 or more. Students are dumbed down and passive. It’s all listening. They RETAIN very little.

They are never asked, “What do you think?”

They are told what to think.

Independent learning is a foreign language.

My approach has developed a healthy, easy going, stress free relaxed, student centered environment. It is communication-based, not grammar based. Teamwork. Learn by doing.

Get out of their way. Help where and when needed. Practice support, kindness and love, not feeding.

Ask students about The Spoon.

Thank you for your attention.


two kinds of people

From a work to be abandoned.

Mango said, “There are two kinds of people in the world.”

“What are they?” said a Cambodian orphan.

“They are subdivided into specific sub-species. There are people who want to blame you and people who want to distract you. There are people who want control or approval. There are people who face the music and there are people who run for cover.

"There are people who pay attention and people who don’t know or care what the fuck is going on. They are too poor to pay attention. There are people who make things happen and people who dream about making things happen.”

“That’s a mouthful of mango logic if you ask me,” said the orphan. “You mean, according to the philosopher, Damon Younger Than Yesterday, ‘distraction is an inability to identify, attend to what is valuable, even when we are hard working or content.’”

“Yes, that’s what I said I mean because I mean what I say and say what I mean jellybean,” laughed Mango doing the tango with Taoist monks at the Temple of Complete Reality in Sichuan.

“Disorientation begets creative thinking,” said Confusion. 



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